Training “The environmental challenges of blue growth””

The Ocean University Initiative contributes to the organization of vocational training on “The environmental challenges of blue growth”. Blue growth offers great opportunities for the development of uses of marine resources, which cannot be considered without taking into account the underlying environmental issues: preservation of biodiversity, breeding and nursery areas, ecological continuity, good ecosystem condition. Because the sustainability of uses depends on the good ecological status of the sea and biological diversity.

Co-organized by UBO, the Roscoff Biological Station and the Campus mondial de la mer, this training course was a great success this year, bringing together 18 professionals from a variety of backgrounds: local government officials, public institution officials, decentralized government officials, innovation officers from universities, representatives of the private sector – banks, companies, entrepreneurs. The participation of some of them was supported by the Institut France-Québec (IFQM) and the École nationale de sécurité et d’administration de la mer (ENSAM).

During 3 days (from July 2 to 4, 2019), 13 speakers followed one another in the room and during a field visit in Morlaix Bay.

his was the 3rd edition of the training, which is intended to be renewed every year.

A film made during the training gives an overview of the exceptional atmosphere and working environment allowed by the Pointe Finistère coast:

Enjeux de la Croissance Bleue: coopération IFQM UBO from Eellogic on Vimeo.

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